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Last Update: 06/04/2024 - My Email: bill@k8veb.com

Allstar Node # 52282 - Echolink Node # 39272

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I am Bill (K8VEB) and I hope you enjoy the site!


My Father (K8VEB) introduced me to Ham Radio. When I was 14 years I took my Novice and Technician license exam on our kitchen table. Boy it took almost 3 months to get the results back from the FCC (I was told this is good). It is now August 2, 1962. The mail man delivered a letter from the FCC addressed to William Sherman! I ripped the letter open! WN8FDB! I am now a Novice Ham Radio Operator! (The novice license then was good for 1 year, and it could not be renewed.)  CW here I come! I the fired up the Knightkit R100 receiver and the Knightkit T60 transmitter! The only crystal I had was for 80 meters CW! Now just a minute Bill, you need to go over the the Gonset Communicator IV. I had my Dad go to his car and meet me on 2 meter AM. Yes, my first QSO as a ham radio operator was on 2 meter AM with my Father (K8VEB)! Lets move forward to August 16, 1962. The mail man delivered a letter from the FCC! I ripped this one open like I did the first! WOW. I am also WA8PEJ! I knew that Dad would be on 6 meter AM (Utica 650) mobile on his way home from work. I fired up his Hammarlund HQ-170 receiver and the Ameco TX62 Transmitter pointed the stacked Finco 6N2 towards his work and gave him a call on 50.4 AM. Boy was he surprised when he found out this was me! Dad and I are now both technician class Ham Radio Operators! My Dad passed away in 1972. The FCC rule is that you needed to be an Extra class to request a family members call. I upgraded to the Extra class and was issued the K8VEB call. This is before the Vanity call sign program.